Come Join Us For Our Fair Days: July 31 through August 4th, 2024



Welcome to the Northern Maine Fair 2024

The Northern Maine Fair Association is excited to announce 
Aluminum Bleacher Capital Campaign.

The Fair Association has been forced to make the very difficult decision to close the existing grandstand indefinitely.   Even though the grandstand has been one of the focal points of our fair since 1949, time and the elements have taken their toll on the structure.  The grandstand currently does not meet the latest state requirements to pass a state inspection for use in 2024.  Therefore, it is deemed unsafe and it will not be used for the upcoming fair, July 31st – August 4th.    Repair costs are prohibitive, so the Trustees have been exploring alternative options for the 2024 fair, and into the future. 
 “The costs of upgrading and repairing the grandstand to meet those requirements, are beyond what the Fair Association can afford to invest in a structure this old”, says Fair President, Lynwood Winslow.  

The Board of Trustees has approved a plan to purchase ten sets of new aluminum bleachers, with a total seating capacity of 1,444 seats, and a plan to have them installed in time for this year’s fair.  The total cost of this project is estimated at nearly $200,000.     Fair officials have already secured donations for nearly ¼ of the project and through this capital campaign are actively seeking other sponsors to fund this urgent project.    
“This investment will reposition the Fair to grow into the future and create new event opportunities for the people of Northern Maine.  It will also relieve the financial and labor burdens, that the old grandstand has put on the Fair for many years”, says Winslow.  “Most importantly, we’re excited to have a safe comfortable seating environment for our spectators”.    

The new Bleachers will be located closer to the action, in front of the existing grandstand.  Between the new bleachers will be handicap spaces on hot top, for wheel chairs and Electric Mobility Vehicles.

The Aluminum Bleacher Capital Campaign is a fund- raiser dedicated to the purchasing of new, safe, bleachers for the Northern Maine Fairgrounds.


Get your permanent engraved 3”X1” nameplate on a bleacher seat by donating $150 or more to the Aluminum Bleacher Capital Campaign!  Donate more and get additional perks!

The Northern Maine Fair Association is committed to establishing and maintaining a first-class agricultural fair!  
These new and safe aluminum bleachers will be critical to the Fair’s success for years to come.   All funds will be raised through donations, in-kind services, and grants.   To help raise fund for our bleachers and have your name become a permanent part of the Northern Maine Fair. Please contact fair president, Lynwood Winslow, at 207-227-4690 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions regarding this fundraiser. The Northern Maine Fair Association is a non-profit corporation 501(c)(3)

            Thank You for supporting the Northern Maine Fair!

  • Choose other for any amount.
  • Aluminum Bleacher Donor at the $150 level (engraved nameplate on a seat)
  • Aluminum Bleacher Donor at the $600 level (engraved nameplate on 4 seats and name on door board)
  • Aluminum Bleacher Donor at the $1200 level (engraved nameplate on 8 seats and large font on donor board)
  • Sponsor one complete Aluminum Bleacher level $20,000 (Large Sign on top rail of bleacher, large font on donor board) Recognition on our website, and includes 10 Weekly Fair passes per year for ten years

This plaque is ____ In Honor of Someone or ____Donated by Family or Corporation 
Name(s) on plaque (Please print clearly. Names below should be written as you want them to read on the plaque.) 
*Plaque location in the bleachers cannot be specified and does not reserve your seat at event.




84 Mechanic Street, Presque Isle, ME 04769

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