Come Join Us For Our Fair Days: July 31 through August 4th, 2024



1. Any organized Homemaker Extension group may enter one display. Additional non-competitive exhibits may also be displayed by Aroostook County Homemakers Extension (ACHE).
2. Entries should address the theme selected by ACHE. The theme must be displayed in each exhibit exactly as stated.
3. A list of criteria for judging purposes may be obtained from the Cooperative Extension office.
4. All items will be exhibited at the owner’s risk.
5. The displays will be limited in size to one unit of the semi-partitioned table area in the Exhibition Hall.
Approximate dimensions: 4 ft. wide table - 3 ft. deep with a 3 in. apron around the front; backing - 5 ft. 8 in.
6. The contents will be determined by the individual groups but shall not include crepe paper backdrops or
streamer, cut greenery out of water, or excessive use of flammable material of any kind. All canned goods that
are displayed must be processed according to USDA guidelines.
7. A list of items displayed shall be submitted to the superintendent.
8. Exhibits must be in place between 10am-12 PM on Thursday, August 3rd prior to the start of the fair, and may
be removed after 5pm on Sunday, August 6th.
9. Judges will be persons invited to donate their time to ACHE and they will be selected at the suggestion of the
ACHE’s Fair Committee member. The decision of the judges will be considered fair, impartial, and final.
10. Enter through the Judd Street Gate for easy access to the Ag Exhibition Building.
AROOSTOOK COUNTY HOMEMAKERS EXTENSION Article 1st 2nd 3rd 001 $100 $75 $50
4th 5th 6th 7th $50 $50 $50 $50



84 Mechanic Street, Presque Isle, ME 04769

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